Monday, May 21, 2012

Pets & Fireworks

Belchertown Veterinary Hospital would like to remind you to be aware of your pet’s fears this season. As Memorial Day celebrations fill our town with the loud sounds of firecrackers exploding, we may find it exciting, but your pet may find it to be terrifying. Please keep your pet comforted by containing them in a relaxed environment, as far away from sudden and unexpected sounds as possible. If you need additional advice for dealing with pet anxiety, please let us know and we’d be happy to help. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pet Poison Helpline: iPhone App

Pet Poison Helpline now offers a handy iPhone Application, Pet Poison Help, that contains an extensive database of food, drugs, chemicals and plants commonly found in the home and yard that are poisonous to pets. Always available with or without internet access or cell phone service, the iPhone app has a powerful indexing feature that allows users to search for toxins, cross-referencing them by common and scientific terms. Click the link below to download the Pet Poison Help iPhone application today!
Click here to get the iPhone Pet Poison Help App!