Thursday, February 7, 2013

Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week

This week is set aside for animal lovers who “Have a Heart for Chained Dogs.” Did you know that there are communities across the United States that DO have laws regarding chaining? Click the link below for information about communities that have banned or regulated chaining in their animal protection ordinance.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dog Training Education Month

This month is Dog Training Education Month, a time to get familiar with dog training techniques and start learning how to finish the process of training your dog. In spite of popular opinion, many old dogs can learn new tricks, and so can people. In order to train our dogs well, sometimes we have to learn a thing or two about how our dogs’ minds work. 

The team at Belchertown Veterinary Hospital would like to remind you about the importance of having a well-trained dog. Sure, they might not be jumping through hoops for you (literally), but you want them to be well-behaved. Ask us for our Belchertown, MA training recommendations!